Friday, June 26, 2015

Combination lock

Combination lock - A combination is a castle in which a sequence of numbers or symbols is used to open the lock. The sequence is usually a specific permutation rather than a real combination. The sequence can be performed using a single knob, which interacts with several discs or cams, or by using a set of a plurality of rotating discs with registered numbers that are entered directly interact with the locking mechanism.

Castles of several lines

One of the simplest types of combination lock, is often used in low security, the bike lock that uses several rotating discs with notches cut therein. The lock is on by a pin with several teeth, the hooks are attached to the rotating discs. If the notches of the discs is aligned with the teeth of the spindle, the lock can be opened. This blockage is one of the least secure types of combination lock.

Open a multiple-choice lock without the combination depends on the slight irregularities in the machining of parts. Unless the lock is said when the pen to edit, one of the teeth is more pull than others in their respective media. This disc is then rotated until a slight click, indicating that the tooth is installed in the slot. The process is repeated for the remaining disks, which, in an open closure suitable combination, in a very short time

Locks of a single line

Combination locks or padlocks found in safes, a single line, the use of several parallel discs or cams interact. In general, a barrier of this type by turning the knob clockwise to the first number, opens counterclockwise in the second, and so on alternately until the last digit has been reached. The cameras usually have a notch or category, and if the correct combination is entered, align the notches so that the castle and introduced the lock will open.

Combination locks of this type are generally more secure than multiple locking line, but some of them have weaknesses. For example, start by Master Lock combination lock is made to be cracked by the padlock shackle and turn the dial until it stops; each element of the combination can be revealed this way.

Newer models of the Master padlock with a 40-position dial a mechanical weakness that can give the last digit of the code, and the first two digits have a mathematical relationship with the last one. This weakness of the number of possible combinations 64000-100, which can be tried in a relatively short time is reduced.

Cheap padlocks are often sensitive to the use of a wedge lock, which can be used to release the shackle without entering a combination.

Other creations

Many doors use combination locks that need to enter the user a numerical sequence on a keyboard for easy typing. These special locks usually require the use of additional electronic circuits.

The main advantage of this system is that when used for the door of a large office, every employee can be told the code number without a password for each person to create that.

However, the downside is that if the code discovered by someone in the place of the desired group or not changed regularly, could provide easy access to a potential intruder.

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